
6 Easy Ways To Lose Weight For Good (Without Starving Yourself!)

We've all been there -- we starve ourselves to look good for a wedding, beach party, (or insert your own event) and afterwards we crash and eat like the world is ending. The weight comes back with a vengeance and we are back to square 1 (or negative 2?). How do we keep the weight off for good? Here's the tricks for LONG TERM weight loss the healthy way.
1. Stop Eating While You Are Reading This!
We are busy people -- we are constantly eating in front of screens (iphones, the TV, etc) thinking we are saving time but it's actually hurting us. Pay attention to what you're eating and it will be more satisfying to your brain making you less hungry later. "Zoning out" while eating is so common with our busy work days that we often forget what we ate. Similarly, our mind, when it's not engaged in the eating process, "forgets" we ate. Just looking at the food, tasting it, smelling it, makes it more satisfying for our brains.
2. SLEEP!!
Do not skimp on sleep! Your hormones need it. Your muscles need it for repair. And your brain needs it. Our hunger hormones are kicked up when we are sleep deprived and we tend to crave quick energy foods. Often when I am having sleep issues or jet lag I use melatonin and magnesium as supplements to get me on the right track. Another trick is 20 minute naps. I know it's not always possible but 20 minutes can make a difference.
3. Fix Your D
Vitamin D that is. Possibly due to our awareness of skin cancer and the use of sunscreen, our levels of vitamin D are lower than they were 20 years ago. Despite the ability to get vitamin D from food and the sun, an estimated 40%-75% of people are deficient. Vitamin D acts like a hormone in our bodies and deficiency has been linked to allergies, asthma, weight gain, fatigue, food allergies and even cancer. Vitamin D levels can be tested by your doctor and supplemental vitamin D can be found in various forms. I personally take 4000 IU a day due to my previous deficient levels.
4. Get Off Your Butt!
Studies show that all day movement rather than just exercise is the key to keeping your metabolism up. As said by Nilofer Merchant:  "Sitting is the new smoking". Walk around at work and after work don't just lay on the couch. The little calorie burners are great for overall metabolism.
5. Stop Eating The Processed Junk
Packaged foods in the form of chips, cracker, cookies contain excess sodium, gmo, refined sugar which are both inflammatory and causes of excess weight gain. Just because it's at a health food store and it's "gluten free" or "low fat" or "natural", DOES NOT mean it's good for you.  It took me a long time to get over this because packaging with the words "natural" , "healthy" are very enticing.
6. Don't Neglect Your Hormones
One problem I see in a lot of girls is hormone imbalance. Us ladies in our child bearing years often have estrogen “dominance”.  If you are exercising daily -- for example cardio 1 hour a day -- it is likely you are using up your progesterone and estrogen is dominating. Other causes of estrogen dominance include exposure to estrogenic things in our environment such as gmo soy, pesticides, plastics, industrial  waste products, etc. This causes us to gain weight especially and get exaggerated pms symptoms like bloat.
There are many ways to battle this but one easy way is decrease your exposure to BPA often found in plastics. Another tip is to get more Omega-3 fatty acids. This helps break down the excess estrogen and helps metabolize it.
What are you tricks to keeping the weight off for good? Share below!

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