
Flat Belly Fast—No Crunches! Four moves that guarantee you'll get abs in six weeks

Move 01

Reverse Wood Chop


Squat, holding a medicine ball next to your right hip (a). Keep your arms straight and raise the ball up and across your body until you're standing and the ball is above your left shoulder (b). Lower back to start. That's one rep.

 Move 01

Single-arm Lunge


Hold a dumbbell and raise your right arm, keeping your elbow close to your ear (a). Step forward with your left foot, lowering until your thigh is parallel to the floor (b). Push off your left foot to stand. That's one rep.
 Move 01



Get into a pushup position (a). Shift your weight to your left hand and rotate your body, raising your right arm into the air so that your arms and torso form a T (b). Hold for one or two seconds, then return to start. That's one rep.
 Move 01

Single-arm Bent-over Row


Hold a dumbbell in your right hand, bend your knees, and lean forward from your hips (a). Brace your abs and pull the weight up to chest height without rotating your torso (b). Return to start. That's one rep.
 Thanks WomensHealthMag!!!

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