
Seven Fat Burning Workouts to Slim You Down and Tighten You Up

Having a hard time burning off those last few pounds?  Maybe you’ve just committed yourself to getting back in shape and need a little help getting started.  Regardless of where you stand, if you’ve got a little fat to burn off, you’ve come to the right place.  Instead of laying out a highly structured fitness plan, I wanted to give you some quick, effective, and flexible fat burning workouts you can start incorporating TODAY to get turn your body into a fat burning machine.
I’m guessing you want to lose the weight quickly, right?  Well, for starters, forget about that steady-state cardio.  You know, chugging along on a treadmill at one speed for 30-60 minutes, repeated several times a week.  Not only is that crap boring….it’s also not the most effective use of your time.  The fat burning workouts you’re about to read about make use of one very important concept; high-intensity interval training (HIIT).  Before we get into the workouts, let’s do a brief overview on what HIIT is and why it’s going to help you burn fat fast.

What is HIIT?

So you probably want to know what HIIT is all about before you get started.  HIIT, or sprint interval training, is a method of exercise in which you switch between short and intense bursts of all out intensity, followed by longer and less intense recovery intervals.  Because of the more intense nature of this format of exercise, HIIT workouts are generally much shorter than the slow and steady workouts you may be used to.  A typical HIIT workout will usually last between 12-40 minutes, depending on your fitness abilities and training goals.  HIIT can be applied to most forms of exercise, including running, biking, swimming, plyometrics, even weight lifting.
So now that you have a better idea of what HIIT is, let’s take a quick look at why we’re recommending your fat burning workouts should rely on HIIT principles.  A study by Gibala et al [1] showed just two and a half hours of HIIT training produced near identical “biochemical muscle changes to 10.5 hours of endurance training and similar endurance performance benefits.”  Additionally, another study by Jeffrey King [2] out of East Tennessee State University showed HIIT training possessed the ability to increase “the rest metabolic rate (RMR) for the following 24 hours due to excess post-exercise oxygen consumption….more effectively than doing only traditional, long aerobic workouts.”
What’s the bottom line?  Bottom line is doing HIIT cardio will help you get more done in less time, while increasing your metabolism and post-exercise oxygen consumption which leads to greater caloric burn (and fat loss) well after your workout has ended.  HIIT is simply a regular cardio workout on steroids.

Seven Fat Burning Workouts You Should Have Started Doing Yesterday

With all of that in mind, we’re going to show you seven unique ways to get your fat burning potential into gear, and help you turn your body into a lean, mean, envy-inducing machine.
Feel free to use some or all of these.  Personally, I enjoy mixing things up depending on where I am and what kind of mood I’m in.  Not only that, variety is the backbone of a strong workout plan, and will help ensure you continue making gains when all your buddies who are stuck doing the same thing watch their progress slow to a snail’s pace.

Fat Burning Workout #1: Iron Man
Equipment needed: Heavy bag, jump rope, body weight.
Rest 20 seconds after each exercise.
Repeat this four exercise circuit a total of 5-8 times depending on your current fitness abilities.

Fat Burning Workout #2: Metabolic Burn
Equipment needed: Barbell, body weight.
Rest 20 seconds after each exercise.
Repeat this four exercise circuit a total of 5-8 times depending on your current fitness abilities.

Fat Burning Workout #3: Plyo Power
Equipment needed: Body weight
Rest 30 seconds after each exercise.
Repeat this four exercise circuit a total of 4-7 times depending on your current fitness abilities.

Fat Burning Workout #4: Burner
Equipment needed: Body weight
Rest 60 seconds after each exercise.
Repeat this four exercise circuit a total of 4-6 times depending on your current fitness abilities.

Fat Burning Workout #5: Grinder
Equipment needed: BOSU, body weight
Rest 30 seconds after each exercise.
Repeat this four exercise circuit a total of 8-10 times depending on your current fitness abilities.

Fat Burning Workout #6: Treader
 Equipment needed: Treadmill
  • 2 minute warm up jog
  • :45 run at 8 mph/slow jog 1:30 at 4-5mph
  • :45 run at 9 mph/slow jog 1:30 at 4-5mph
  • :30 run at 10 mph/ slow jog 1:30 at 4-5mph
  • :30 run at 11 mph/ slow jog 1:30 at 4-5mph
Repeat this cycle a total of 4-5 times depending on your fitness abilities.

Fat Burning Workout #7: Sprinter
Equipment needed: Open field or track
Walk off 50 yards.
  • 50 yard sprint/20 seconds rest
Repeat 8 times.
Walk off 100 yards.
  • 100 yard sprint/30 seconds rest
Repeat 8 times
Walk off 200 yards.
  • 200 yard sprint/60 seconds rest
Repeat 8 times.

How to Best Use These Seven Fat Burning Workouts

As you can probably tell, we put together seven workouts that use a variety of different equipment.  Wether you’re into working out at home, at the gym, or even outside, there is something for you. I know you’ve all got a desire to burn the most amount of fat as fast as possible, but avoid the temptation to do too much too soon.  Since HIIT is quite a bit more intense than other forms of cardio, the possibility of over training is real.  To avoid this, shoot for 3 workouts per week to start, slowly working up to 4.  If you’re mixing in the resistance-focused workouts, feel free to shoot for 5 workouts per week.
Following this schedule should produce awesome results and really help you cut through that excess fat you want to rid yourself of.
Thanks to: shareitfitness.com for the post :)

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