
The 6×6 Mind, Body, and Soul Workout

Working the Mind, Body, and Soul

The Mind and Body
The workout format is as follows:
Two strength exercises followed by one cardio exercise (in bold).  Each exercise consists of 36 repetitions, broken up into 6 sets of 6 repetitions.  On strength exercises, shoot to use a weight that is roughly 10-20% heavier than you would for a standard 3 sets of 10 repetition format.  For example, if you typically perform 3 sets of 10 reps on bench press with 100 pounds, bump it up to 110-120lbs for 6 x 6. Only decrease weights if you are losing your form and/or unable to reach the full 6 repetitions in later sets.
What makes this workout so hard is the strict rest times.  We’re going to overload the muscle, so be sure to abide by the times listed.  Wear a watch, keep an eye on the clock on the wall…do whatever you have to do.  Continue to push and don’t let those rest breaks deviate from what is indicated below.
Shoot to perform this workout two times a week to start.  Feel free to continue with any additional cardiovascular or strength training you’re currently doing.  Just be sure you aren’t over training sore muscles; give yourself a solid 48 hours between strength workouts. 
  • 6 x 6 Smith Machine or Barbell Squats, 30 seconds rest between sets
  • 6 x 6 Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swings, 30 seconds rest between sets
  • 6 x 6 Box Jumps (perform tuck jumps if no box/bench available), 10 seconds rest between sets
  • 6 x 6 Bent Over Rows, 30 seconds rest between sets
  • 6 x 6 Bench Press, 30 seconds rest between sets
  • 6 x 6 Burpees, 10 seconds rest between sets
  • 6 x 6 Pull Ups (do dead hangs if you can’t do pull ups), 20 seconds rest between sets
  • 6 x 6 Lat Pulldowns, 30 seconds rest between sets
  • 6 x 6 Twist Jumps, 10 seconds rest between sets
  • 6 x 6 Farmer Walks (holding dumbbells in both hands, walk the length of the room; ~10 feet = 1 repetition).  30 seconds rest between sets.
  • 6 x 6 Curl Press, 30 seconds rest between sets
  • 6 x 6 Russian Lunges, 10 seconds rest between sets
The Soul
With the physically tough stuff out-of-the-way, we’re going to now turn our attention to nourishing your soul. A lot has been written about mindfulness and the physical benefits derived from meditation.  Meditation transcends the physical and improves the things you simply cannot measure.  Learning to meditate, clear your mind, and channel your energy within yourself can help you become a happier, more thoughtful human being, and open up new doors within the mind.
I’m not going to lie, meditation is hard if you’re brand new to the practice.  My first attempt at meditation didn’t exactly go as planned.  What was supposed to be a 30 minute meditation session turned into a two and a half hour nap, as I awoke to find myself sprawled out on the ground.  Needless to say, I got a little too relaxed.  To avoid running into issues of your own, we’re going to have you start slowly.  For your “soul training” you’re only going to mediate for six minutes at a time, six days a week.  That’s it.  Six, short minutes.
6 x 6 Meditation Practice
Originally, I wanted to lay out a different meditative focus for each of the six days.  The yogi’s, knowing better, suggested I leave that part to the individual.  Following their direction, I’m simply going to list some meditative options that I think you may find interesting.  Feel free to come up with your own if none of the below appeal to you.
  • Our precious human life
  • Death and impermanence
  • Remembering the kindness of living beings
  • Wishing love
For a full list, check out some others I found on this website.
Some other options I personally find beneficial:
  • Envisioning yourself attaining a goal
  • How to become a better human being
  • A particular teaching from your preferred religion, if applicable.
  • Nothing at all - keeping a clear and open mind, allowing thoughts to calmly flow in and out, like a wave on the shore.
Remember, when you meditate, try to keep all of your thoughts and energy on that ONE focus.  While outside influences and thoughts may invade your mental space, do not fight them.  Recognize them for what they are, allow them to come in, before allowing them to slowly fade away.  Do not grasp on to them or attempt to banish them.  Just realize this is all part of the process.  Over time, your ability to stay focused and present in the moment will increase, as well as your ability to increase the length of your meditation sessions.  Do what’s right for you and proceed with your “soul training” as you see fit.
This mind, body, and soul workout is probably unlike anything you’ve ever attempted.  I’m a true believer that incorporating the unfamiliar and potentially uncomfortable into our lives is how we achieve maximal growth.  This powerful workout plan is designed to help you improve your body, mind, and soul with a carefully constructed method that uses a holistic approach to improving you as a human being, inside and out.  Use all, or parts of it as you see fit, and be ready and open to experience change like you never thought possible.

Thanks to shareitfitness.com for this post :)

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