No matter how much we try to prevent it, sometimes things happen that make us really, really mad. Sometimes we get into a big, nasty fight with a friend or colleague. Sometimes we find out that the guy we like – or even love - doesn’t share the sentiment. Sometimes we miss events we were really looking forward to. Sometimes all of these things happen on the very same day.
Being angry can be just as unsettling as being sad. Like any emotion, it’s okay to feel it, but you have to take it and channel it in ways that won’t cause any permanent damage to yourself or others (or land you in jail, since the concept for Orange is the New Black is taken already.) You have to get a handle on it.
Here are some sure-fire ways to go from angry girl to awesome girl in a matter of minutes.
1. Kickboxing class
Or any class that involves punching air. I don’t think I really need to elaborate on this one, do I?
2. Splatter painting
Same general idea. Picture his face on your wall and splatter the crap out of that paint. Your arm will hurt in the best possible way. Just remember to put down the proper newspaper/plastic bag protection before you paint. You can rationalize all you want about how the giant mess you made is basically his fault, but he’s probably not going to pay for some new carpet (or a deck, in my case. Oops.)

3. Cooking (and Sharing)
Whatever is the most fun for you to cook (whether or not you actually want to eat it), make it. For me, it’s a pie with totally ridiculous amounts of brightly colored frosting, candy and rainbow sprinkles. I can only actually eat a bite or so without going into a sugar coma, so I share my creations with friends and neighbors (and ecstatic little children I babysit) who can stomach that kind of unadulterated joy. Making others happy is a nice way to feel better, too.

4. Write It Out
Write a letter to whomever or whatever is making you angry. Throw politeness out the window and tell them freely exactly how you feel. Get it all out – every last shred of emotion, every little thought, every pent-up frustration. It's probably in your best interest to not actually send this letter. Instead, save it on your computer and read it in a few months when your anger is long gone. The problem will seem like it happened forever ago and you’ll be really proud of yourself for getting through the tough time in one piece. Because you will.
When your arms are sufficiently worn out and you’ve reached your rainbow sprinkle limit, take a breath and remember that you can’t control a whole lot in this life. You can’t make people stop bothering you if they’re really, really determined to bother you. You can’t make guys like you if they don’t. But you know what you can control? Your reaction. You can kickbox instead of writing the colleague a nasty email that would really give her reason to bother you. You can splatter paint instead of calling the guy 14345872352 times and desperately begging him to change his mind. You can eat a slab of Happy Pie instead of mourning the party you weren't invited to. With a little time – and some creative, productive expression – you’re going to feel a lot better.
How else do you express your anger?
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