When I recently gave up my gym membership in order to sufficiently fund my cupcake habit (just kidding - sort of) I went into a little bit of a panic. Yes, I would still go running outside and up and down the many, many stairs in my apartment building, but would it be enough to counteract the cupcake damage? After conducting a little research, I realized there are a lot of instances when I’m working out and I don’t even know it. Don’t go out and quit your gym or anything (and seriously, cupcakes in moderation, people) but keep these amazing objects in mind when you’re looking to burn a few extra calories.
1. Your TV
There's nothing wrong with watching it, but it's a good idea to physically get up to change the channel. Your remote does a lot; it deserves a break every now and then. Also get up to mute, unmute, DVR, flip, and all of your other TV-related needs.
2. Your water bottle
Did you know that simply holding your water bottle in your hand burns an extra 100 calories in just 20 minutes? The next time you're walking to work or the gym (or even if you're on the bus or train), hold on to it instead of sticking it in your bag. You’ll also be more likely to stay hydrated – it’s a win win!
3. Your toothbrush
Completing your full two minutes in the morning and at night will burn you a whopping 11 bonus calories a day! Not life-changing, but better than nothing. And hey, your dentist (and your cavity-free mouth) will thank you for it time and time again. Want to burn even more calories? Do calf raises while you brush!
4. Your paintbrush
Need a wall or piece of furniture painted? Forget the professional – grab the supplies, a print-out of your favorite Pinterest idea, and get going! You’ll be giving your arms a serious workout.
5. Your bed
Sleeping is pretty great. Not only does it make you feel rested, you also burn a bunch of calories for each hour you sleep. Don’t overdo it, but definitely make it a priority to get the amount of hours you need each night.
6. Your groceries
If you don’t live a totally outrageous distance from your favorite grocery store, opt to occasionally ditch the car/granny cart and carry your groceries home. Stuck waiting to cross the street on your walk? Do some curls while holding on to the bags. I mean, what else are you going to do? I owe 100% of my muscles to Trader Joe's granola, orange chicken and mango sorbet. Okay, and raspberry sorbet. But yeah, the point is I have serious muscles from lifting "weights" on street corners.
7. Your clothes
Instead of throwing them on the floor or using your treadmill as a shelf, actually take a few minutes to fold or hang them. I know it might feel unnatural, but this extra movement will be great for you and for your clothes. And think about how adorable you’ll look when you wear the top that’s perfectly pressed instead of the one that has weird lines all over it that constantly remind you (and everyone else) that you use your treadmill as a shelf.
What other everyday items give you an unexpected workout? Share your discoveries below!
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