
a little about the author

Hey everyone I'm Lauren Taylor Romero! I'm 20 years old :) almost 21! Less than 12 weeks away!!! I am a fitness freak-a-holic! lol... I am a die hard Raiders fan, if you couldn't already tell from above^^^ lol. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Arizona State Sun Devils :) And lastly... #HeatNation :) hahaha ok enough about sports and me, now about you! I hope you're all enjoying my blog! I love hearing your feed back! So if you have any tips or want me to do any certain posts about any workouts in particular! Please don't be afraid to ask! If you want to click here and you can ask me anonymously! I love making people happier so if I can help you out in ANY don't be afraid to ask :) 

xoxo Laur

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